“PACT delivered a unique content strategy to attract new business banking customers to the brand. Their strategy-first approach served as a guide for content development for the year and beyond. We greatly appreciate their acumen in business to business marketing.”
Brand Objectives
Business to business strategy
Content strategy
Editorial calendar
Campaigning and promotion
Brand Challenge Attracting business customers in a low engagement category as financial services requires an out-of-the-box strategy that delivers results. Content isn’t a new tactic for Canada’s big five banks. Instead, a content strategy must go beyond the obvious categories.
PACT Strategy-First Approach Leveraging our strategy-first approach, PACT completed an opportunities assessment and presented insights and outcomes to the client. Leveraging those findings, we also developed a segmented content strategy with a editorial calendar that aligned to a new set of content categories proposed by our team of financial marketing specialists.
PACT delivered: 1. New content strategy and editorial direction 2. New product and promotional ideas 3. New partnership opportunities
Opportunities Assessment for business banking
Uncover opportunities for the brand based on customer insights, emerging trends, and gaps in the industry that our client can exploit and lead with in market.